Are you making a widget that needs protecting until it reaches the end user? Have you been making widgets for years and not looked at packaging in a while? Are you distributing other people’s widgets but want your own packaging solution? Perhaps you just need a box that fits!
We can walk round your manufacturing or packing facility, talk to people that are using the packaging and often see ways of improving efficiencies, be it time taken for assembly, material savings, storage or even improved protection for the widgets. Sometimes all it takes is the simplest of design alterations to make a huge improvement. This is not a sales exercise. If only small changes are required then that’s exactly what would be recommended.
You may have an idea that you’d like to turn into reality. Keeley Packaging will advise on what’s possible, from the technical side of things to bespoke printing and even embellishing with foils, high gloss varnish and windows.
Perhaps you’re constructing larger items that need a more heavy-duty solution. Whatever your issue we’d be happy to give you the benefit of our experience and advice.